Friday, March 5, 2010

Where does the time go?

so ya as you look at the title you might start freakin....BUT don't worry i'm not going to turn all sentimental and all that jazz...i am taking the road more traveled by seniors at this time of senior year....where did all that time go that i pictured in my head last october when i started applying for colleges and these cursed things called i swear it was just yesterday when i was telling my mom "i don't need to do that today, it's not due til March". Well here we are fifth day in march already. WOW baby! where did all my time to be lazy go :P

well little by little i am finishing up all my previously started scholarship applications, grrr i am just SO ready for those things to be OVER....if i have to write ONE more essay about my "college aspirations" i think i might stab my eyes out....ya i went there!

alrighty there is an upside to this rant...ITS FRIDAY which would mean that my portfolio is officially turned in (we find out on tuesday when we are presenting them, so come tuesday at ten o'clock..give or take a few minutes i WILL be freaking out, because i will either be presenting two weeks from that day or a i am keeping my fingers crossed that is the latter but hey knowing my luck lol)
Also seeing as it is friday...that means nate was at work so my mom and i went out and ran some errands before we came home to watch a we went and picked up my prom dress!!! it's all altered and i am super excited to show nate the extra we got cut so he can go pick out his tux....i am so stoked to see his reaction to the color :P but back to my story..i got to have a girls night and watch a movie with some chips and chocolate milk :) ya salt and vinegar chips with the cold refreshing chocolate milk just CAN'T be beat...hate to say it but it is pretty good....Cheetos with chocolate milk IS the best...but salt and vinegar proved a good runner up :D
So we watched Where the Wild Things Are, ya hmmm umm well i am definitely not a movie critic but i will say that it was an alright movie, i mean it was only an 140 word book, how good could the movie REALLY be? HUH? ya but nah it was cool....kinda dragged in the middle but overall i am glad i got to watch it... :)

tomorrow is saturday which is also a plus to today being friday...haha that means NO SCHOOL for two days....WOOT WOOT...but anyways tomorrow morning i will be waking up to go play some basketball and then hoping to come home to wash the car and vacuum it out and then off to the boy scouts fundraiser....BUT i will admit the best part of the day will be going to the fundraiser and getting to see NATE!!!! first time since sunday ( yaya laugh all ya want, go ahead roll your eyes if ya want to too) but hey going six days is a long time for us...yes we do text and talk but i like being able to see him in person too.... :)

well thats all i have to say for the time being...haha

i'll write later-ya don't fret it will come :)

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