Saturday, January 21, 2017

Cruise to the Caribbean 2017

We went on a cruise to celebrate graduations/passing the NCLEX and just for fun!
And fun it was-we had the time of our lives!
First stop was to George Town in Grand Cayman. This was our first stop so we were a bit hesitant to go too far away from the boat but we did get to be tourists and eat some delicious fish and chips! Grand Cayman is a beautiful place!

The next day we went to Mahogany Bay in Roatan, Honduras. Such a beautiful place with amazing scenery. We got off the boat and got on a bus to travel to the location for our underwater scooter adventure! Get this-they do not have speed limits nor signs on their roads! You can get around the whole island in about an hour if you wanted so most people just walk to where they need to go so they don't really have a need for it. So it was crazy (and heart wrenching) to see cars zoom by or barely stop before cutting in front of the bus. Poor Nate got his hand squeezed a few times more than he would have wanted haha! We finally made it and got onto a small boat where we went out about 15 minutes till we made it to our destination. Our group was rather big so they split us up in two small groups which meant we got to snorkel while we waited! I had never done that before so it took some getting use to only being able to breathe through my mouth piece and not going down too far because I learned real quick how salt water tastes lol. But oh my goodness was the view worth all that salt taste. The gorgeous white sand, so many varieties of fish, and the clear blue water. My eyes could not believe it! Nate and I were in heaven!
Then after we got our turn to go and do the underwater scooters. So fun to be down below the surface and seeing the sea life up close! Also it was hilarious to see each other in those helmets! Super fun experience!

Off to Belize for our next adventure! Today we hopped on a bus and drove about and hour and a half to go cave tubing! We got grouped up and hiked up to the top and then we floated down-we had the best tour guide ever! We had some Mayan tacos for lunch-they were unbelizeable ;) Belize was such a fun time-you better Belize it ;)

Last port was Puerta Maya, Cozumel, Mexico. This day was definitely one of our favorites!
We got to tour the port a bit before we decided to go to one of the private beach/resort. So much fun, we got to snorkel again and this time the fish were so used to visitors that they swam right next to us!

We got to enjoy fajitas, nachos, and some virgin daquiris!
Soaking up the sun and swimming in the ocean is our favorite thing ever!

 This cruise was amazing! We had the time of our life and we can't wait to go back! Nate has a whole list of spots he wants to go and visit now ;) All our friends were right, cruises are amazing!

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