Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas time with the Marinis

Wow i can't believe he is getting so big!

For a 4 year old he was so careful while unwraping his gift.

Our Buddie with his new aqua doodle [which by the way
is bigger than him]

Bryce needed a little help opening his gift but
the tissue paper part he had covered

Our little guys came over this afternoon to exchange presents with us. Alec got a ABC preschool learning book, man this thing was huge and awesome. Zach recieved a Aquadoodle pad that was Thomas the train. Bryce got clothes but i believe he enjoyed the bag more.....
So then it was our turn to open gift, Kendahl got a soccer poster that had writing all over it which had been autographed by the author and personalized to her name. Lis recieved a candle warmer which she had been wishing for. And last but not least John got a gift card to Applebees which ironiclly enough we had given the parents a gift card to Applebees also, so i guess that means a double date huh ;]

Youth Christmas Party

So we had our youth christmas party last night.....
We arrived to the delicious smell of roasted ham with green beans and rolls; you think that sounds good just think of how well it tasted...
We then got together and created those tied blankets as a service project for the 7 years olds turning eight soon. After that was done we played pictionary then watched the movie Elf.
Well i didn't bring my camera so i have no pictures to show you guys of what the evening looked like but instead i have pictures of what my hair looked like, thanks to the creativity of my mom and i we were able to make me look cute for the party.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Goodies

~The final product~

its in the spot light....

Seriously....Vanna you are so out of a day job!!

Close you would be able to read it!

Well passing out goodies to neighbors seems to be the tradition at Christmas time, tonight was our night so we sat down and as Kendahlcut out all tags, Lis put together all the gifts.....while making m&m cookies and fudge.....
As you can read the tag says "we whisk you a merry Kiss mas" so clever as we are we took whisk and some Hershey's kisses and creatively put them into bags with homemade tags made with love from kendahl....
Happy Holidays to all our friends and family.....much love to all......Lis & Kendahl

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tis the Season

Our tree.....we decided red was our color this year!

Say Cheese!!

Who's behind that tree.....

Vanna White watch out.....

And their stockings were hung from the tv with care....hehe

Well everyone knows that its that time of year again and i believe that this time of the year goes by way to fast with sooooo much to do. 
we just finished our ward Christmas party, so we decided to decorate our Christmas tree and all that jazz. Well we have our stocking hung awaiting the arrival of old saint nick...and our tree is lit and so is our windows. The Christmas tree is always a fun activity where we get to put our decorations that us kids have made from like 1st grade, it is always funny to look back and see what you did when you were 7 years old....we just love it....!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Girls Night

We Rock our glasses!!!

Who said a sporty girl couldn't be girlie?

Shes puuurrrtttyyy... that's right i said it!!

Thinking is her favorite thing....Sike!!

Attitude is everything!!

So this past Friday night i had my friend Kourtney over to spend the night...and since we are girls we thought that we would do the girlie thing and do our hair!!

Well as you can tell by the photos we had a blast...we also used my camera to make some pretty awesome music videos...but we decided to let the pros keep their job...and we will keep our videos for laughs...!!!

We had a awesome time that night...we had pizza,drinks, and or course you can't forget the CHEETOS!!...YUMMMY!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Winter Wonderland...Parkland 2007

This is the table settings and ceiling decorations for the party

This was the family picture area!

this is just one of the three stage decorations the others were
a Christmas tree w/ train and a manger scene

I guess you are never to old to sit on Santa's lap!!

This is me with my boys...Say cheese!!!

So this past Saturday was our ward Christmas, which Lis was in charge of....We spent Saturday morning decorating the gym, overflow, primary room, and stage. The night was spent with food, laughter and the Christmas spirit was all around. We had a great time afterwards we put the tables down and we danced the night away....the young women showed up the guys with their moves...YOU KNOW IT!!!!.....This night was awesome, the decorations were lovely, the food was delicious, and the favorite story read was a great added bonus. A special thanks goes out to my mom for all the long hours she put into this...and how lovely it turned out....THANKS AGAIN!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dance Team Performance [Christmas style]

Dance Team Performance [Christmas style]

Well my first performance is here for the dance team.....we have our winter wishes assembly tomorrow and so I have been practicing my routine over a million times....practice makes perfect right? ....
Well this outfit that i am wearing is a special one only for this one event, my coach thought since it was the whole winter theme that we would dress like santas little helpers!
well i will have more details and pictures later of upcoming keep looking for more pictures!