Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This is what happens when...Feb. 9.2011

This is what happens when I keep my hair in a ponytail all day and I take it out as I get ready for bed hahahaha...Ya I took my ponytail out and was like "wow my hair feels really weird" come to find out that's because half of it was sticking out lol!

Makes my HEART melt... Feb. 9. 2011

 These little kiddos make me smile from ear to ear! Jaxson is ADORABLE and is at preschool this year and is coming along great with his potty training-go buddy go!
Then there is Miss Brooklyn-man she is growing up so fast! She is crawling all over the place-even up and down the stairs! I just love this little girl and her hair accessories ;) She likes to wear flowers like her Auntie :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

ICE CREAM :) Feb. 7. 2011

Itunes + Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream + chatting with friends = how i study for midterms lol. Two midterms in one day-that shouldn't be legal! But since I figured I was going to be up till (an undetermined time) I needed the sugar to keep me going. Oh midterms-grrr!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I did it :) Feb. 6. 2011

So Sunday was basically an incredible day-A wonderful sacrament meeting filled with tons of uplifting stories, the Packers took home the win at the Super Bowl, and Nate and I completed the Book of Mormon.
A little over seven months but we did it!
It makes me feel so awesome inside to know that I finally read through the Book of Mormon for me, not for any requirement in Young Women's or Honor's recognition in Seminary, I did it for me. I believe this is the one time in my life I can act selfish (at least I think it is) and although I did do this with Nate (I am SO grateful he was there right along side of me motivating me to keep up my good work even if he was far away!) I still am super proud of myself of making it into a habit-each night before I go to bed (no matter what time it is and yes there has been some SUPER late nights lol...dang college!) I read my scriptures and journal :) I love the scriptures! Each time I read them I get something new out of them and I fully believe in the saying "you get out of them what you need to hear" which has totally been evident in reading with Nate-its really interesting to see what his remarks are to the same verses I am reading :) Anywho not to make this post SUPER long I just wanted to finish off with my testimony (or a little chunk of it), this book here is a powerful tool that has definitely help change me into a better person and help me grow closer not only to my Heavenly Father but my Savior and brother Jesus Christ as well. I love how this book can be related to my life even if it was written ages ago-i love how the stories can help me get through trials or struggles I am experiencing! I love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints :)

Super Bowl Sunday Feb 6. 2011

I decided to use this photo to talk about the super bowl instead... (even my niece Brooklyn was rooting for Green Bay lol) My bro in law johnny is a HUGE Green Bay Packer fan and so when they were headed to the Super Bowl he was excited-well lets be honest... he flipped! lol! ya he was stoked for it!
I wish I could've been there to witness his excitement grow as the Green Bay dominated the Steelers! It was a very exciting game and I must say I love super bowl snacks :) Chips and dip-yummy! I went over to my roommate Carlye's house to watch the game with her family and her mom made us munchies which was awesome :) Congrats to the Packers-cheese heads all the way!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Great Expectations/Ultimate Frisbee Feb. 5. 2011

Today we had Priest and Laurels from all over the Seattle area come to the Institute for our Great Expectations activity (showed them around the institute, talked to them about picking colleges, and then a motivational talk by Bro White-one of our awesome Institute teachers to the left there! and pulled pork sandwiches with ice cream and then we went to Husky Stadium to play ultimate Frisbee!) Playing on Husky Stadium is such a rush! Of course it was raining (always does when we go outside to play in Washington) and so it was cold and rainy which made for some awesome slides, amazing plays, and not to brag but for one epic interception by yours truly lol :)

Date with Mrs. K. O Feb. 5. 2011

One of my favorite people in the world texted me on Friday and asked if I wanted to hang out on Saturday. Mrs. K.O. (formally known as Miss K from WHS if anyone is reading this who knew her as that) picked me up at UW, definitely a test of the knowledge of my campus but I got her to my dorm (woohoo!) and then we went to Redmond for lunch at Chipotle-I had never been but it was awesome! I got the chicken burrito and it was mmm mmm good ;) Then we headed to Eastlake High School where she teaches now (which is also one of my roommates old high school-and i competed there with my high schools dance team two years ago-small world) It was definitely weird being back in the dancing atmosphere, I will admit I miss dancing and competing but I don't miss all the primping and drama that goes along with it. I can definitely see that in the past two years I have matured but I still appreciate the Arts :) Anywho being there with Mrs. K. O. was awesome-I LOVE chatting with her! Thank you so much for inviting me out (i love our dates) the lunch, performances, and conversation/company was awesome-you are the best! I love being closer to you so we can hang out more often!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Oh Seattle Feb.4. 2011

What better to do on a Friday than sit in your room because it is bleh outside-thank you Seattle. I decided to devote this post to you and the weatherman, thanks for telling me that it was going to be 52 and sunny and get my hopes up and then I wake up to a gray sky and rain :/ But life goes on....and this is the second half of my post-i LOVE how in Seattle that no matter the weather (mostly because it is like this outside for most of the year) people are still in high spirits and keep going with their daily routine. Definitely helps me during my down days-which this week was one of them so the gloomy weather outside kinda fit with my mood-but i have hope that Seattle will bring some sun! Why is summer so far away?